Premium Domain Release Logo

Never miss a Premium Domain Release, ever again!

From time-to-time domain registrars (the companies owning & managing top-level-domains) release premium domains that they kept locked - unavailable for anyone to register. This page makes a best effort to list all these domain releases so that you don't miss them.

> 21.155 Premium Domains released by, June 2024

Starting June 12th, 2024 17:00 UTC will release 21.155 premium domains across 16 TLDs. The Early-Access-Phase ends June 19th. During this time an additional early-access-fee will be due. The General Availability Phase, with regular prices, will start June 19th 17:00 UTC with all domains not registered during the Early-Access-Phase. The domains will be available for registration on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The registration price for each domain will drop during the Early-Access-Phase.
Disclaimer: All 'Check Pricing' links are affiliate links and will guide you to for current pricing information.
If you register a domain via the link, we might receive a small commission.

Logo of archi domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .archi
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 3 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of bio domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .bio
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 3 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of black domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .black
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 3 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of blue domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .blue
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 3 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of green domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .green
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of kim domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .kim
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of lgbt domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .lgbt
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of pet domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .pet
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of pink domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .pink
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of poker domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .poker
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of promo domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .promo
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of red domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .red
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of ski domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .ski
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of vote domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .vote
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of voto domains

  • Host: 0
  • Tld: .voto
  • Length: 1
  • Style LN: N
  • Style CVN: N
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing
Logo of archi domains

  • Host: 00
  • Tld: .archi
  • Length: 2
  • Style LN: NN
  • Style CVN: NN
  • Status: Available
  • Last Checked: 2 hours ago
Check Pricing

Domains per page

Showing1 - 16of21155domains
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Premium Domain Release Logo
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A service of The Keyword Company byTill Kahlen.